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All of these projects were completed for core classes that are required as part of the Business Bachelor offered at Augustana College. Mostly focusing on Marketing so that I am prepared to pursue a Masters in Business Administration with a Marketing Concentration.


This page is going to only highlight the business and marketing portions of some of the projects, but as with my interests the projects do not focus on only one area. All of the projects to some extent involve conentrations in the various sections of business administration (writing, economics, etc) along with marketing, graphic design, and advertising.

Goal: as a group, create your own company and create a charity event. How does your company mission and goals relate to the charity you pick and the event you choose? How are you going to market this event? Where is this going to take place? Does the charity event work well with the mission of your company?

Product and product packaging design.

1. Product and company design for Marketing Concept Class

  • This company was invented to give a solid foundation to a project for the Marketing Concept class. In order to develop a good business plan (the project), I needed to have a company that was fully developed (even if it was imaginary) and a product that I was going to sell. Visit the actual company page for full description or the Marketing page for the business plan details.

2. Product Packaging Design for personal graphic design experience

  • A work in progress that requires not just a graphic designer's point of view when designing a product package but also a marketing point of view in knowing what the consumer thinks and wants from the product package.

As described on the left, this business plan project was based on an imaginary company that has inspired multiple projects.

The goal of this project was to represent a company that you work for and as a team analyze a topic. Then to take that analysis and report what the current situation is and come up with multiple possible changes that could improve the company as well as understand how presentation matters.

Business Administration/Marketing Projects

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